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A Tiger Was Born Under Quarantine In Mexico And It’s The Cutest Thing Ever

You’ll never guess his name.

via Agence France Presse

Tiny with a threatening name, we bring you Covid, a Bengal tiger born in quarantine in a Zoo in Mexico amidst a relentless pandemic. This feline cutie met the world at the Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center "Africa Bio Zoo", in Cordoba, State of Veracruz in Mexico and oh boy, is he ready to fight.

"The birth of Covid was a gift for us, an incredible gift for both Bio Zoo and us as a family - it was a bit of hope in the current situation," said Kitzia Rodriguez, a vet at the family run zoo.

His name represents the virus that is teaching us "to look after ourselves." Days in after his precious birthday, the Bengal tiger still struggles to stand up but compensates it with his avid needs of milk and of course, lovey-dovey cuddles.

Covid is himself a survivor, his 8 year old mother was rescued from a circus and struggled with hip problems, making it difficult for her to get pregnant. When she finally got pregnant by a younger and lighter male, this little furball of a Bengal was born weighing a 1.4 kilograms. We don't know about you but we'll leave you to admire this pandemic miracle, enjoy!

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