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Face Yoga: A Natural Way to Look Younger and Healthier

It’s always worth a shot when the words natural and youthful looking, radiant skin are tied together.

If you’re tired of trying to figure out which anti-ageing cream or serum really works or looking for healthy, natural alternatives to Botox and plastic surgery, facial exercises may be your solution. Widely known as face yoga, the Meghan Markle-approved beauty regimen is a non-invasive way of banishing fine lines and wrinkles and reducing sagging skin. What’s more, you can do the chemical-free exercises by yourself, or if you choose a good programme, like Happy Face Yoga, you don’t have to spend a fortune.

Many of us go to the gym to hone those abs and glutes, however we can also reap some benefits in giving our faces a good workout as well. There are many muscles underneath facial skin and flexing them is a great way to keep the face sculpted and toned. The exercises, which tighten those thinning fat pads under the skin and strengthen the muscles in the cheekbones and jaw lines, all help the face appear more lifted and contoured. They also stimulate collagen and elastin production in the middle layer of the skin, the dermis, so you’re left with smoother, more flexible and tighter-looking skin.


I believe that every time you travel it changes you a little bit. When I went to Sardinia to be part of @itv 100 Years Younger experiment I got to teach Face Yoga to some of the most recognised TV celebrities in the country. I am lucky enough to work a lot with celebrities but never have I worked with celebs in their 80’s and 90’s before and their attitude to life was so deeply inspiring, motivating and life changing. When I travelled back from Sardinia I travelled back with Bill Roach (Ken from Coronation Street) and had the pleasure of hearing stories from a man in his late 80’s who is as fit and healthy as someone half his age. Meeting him had such a profound impact on the way I view the gift of life. We can learn so much from travel but also from the older generation about life, health and inner peace. . . . #TV #life #inspire #celebrities #100yyin21days #FaceYogaFam #FaceYogaExpert #Yoga #Pilates #FaceYoga #FaceFitness #skincare #fitnessfashion #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeveryday #yogaeverywhere #fitness #strength #yogateacher #wellbeing #inspire #relaxation #gratitude #beauty #nutrition #stretch #health #facialyoga #daniellecollins

Une publication partagée par Danielle Collins (@faceyogaexpert) le

Additionally, anti-ageing face yoga moves the other layers of the skin, the hypodermis, which is the lower layer, and the epidermis, the upper layer. By working on all the layers, the exercises are able to increase blood circulation, which results in more oxygen and sustenance reaching skin cells. A gorgeous glow, less toxins and the ability to absorb more moisture are some of the worthwhile advantages. And just like yoga relaxes your body, face yoga can relax the facial muscles. Subsequently tension areas like the jaw, brow and forehead are smoothed, creating a natural facelift. 

Experts recommend you do about 20 minutes nearly every day for quicker results. While everyone has a different time line, changes can start to show after two weeks. After about four months, people have noticed less fine lines, and about nine months after starting the exercises, they feel years younger and more relaxed.

A Recent Study finds Face Yoga Effective
While some plastic surgeons and dermatologists deny its effectiveness, a recent study found face yoga can actually make people look younger. The study, which was published in “JAMA Dermatology,” had 27 females between the ages of 40 and 65 perform 30 minutes of face yoga for eight weeks. Then they did the facial exercises three to four days a week for 12 additional weeks. Photographs of the women, taken at eight weeks then 20 weeks, were shown to dermatologists who didn’t know them. The skin experts found improvements, the marked one being in the fullness of the cheeks. They felt the women in the study led by Dr Murad Alam, Northwestern University’s Vice Chairman of Dermatology, looked around three years younger.


Добраться до парочки, которая за все в ответе и сбалансировать? Надо всего 2 минуты. Читайте до конца. Прием из австралийской методики. Благодарю за ваш. Потрогать руками крыловидные и жевательные мышцы на лице не сможем. Слишком уж они глубоко расположены. Но уменьшить последствия напряженности жевательной мускулатуры возможно очень просто; . Дело в том, что преодолевая житейские трудности, мужественно стиснув зубы, приходим к хроническому спазму мышц, в котором надежно, как в сейфе, запечатываются такие непогашенные эмоции, как скрытый гнев, агрессия, недовольство. Так по цепочке укорачивают крыловидные и жевательные мышцы; . Предлагаю простой способ "открыть сейф" и сбалансировать мышцы; Греем свои руки (рука об руку)Устанавливаем теплые ладони на весь височно нижне-челюстной сустав (от нижней челюсти к вискам); Сидим/стоим/лежим с закрытым ртом 1 минуту;Тоже самое делаем с открытым ртом еще 1 минуту; . Ваша осанка должна быть ровной. Подбородок чуть опущен. Глаза открыты. Хотя через пол минуты глаза захочется закрыть. Мышцы начинают расслабляться. Тепло рук усиливает кровоснабжение мышц и участков мозга, связанных с ним и . Там, где кровь - там Энергия! В мышцы поступает больше кислорода, выводятся токсины , улучшается тонус мышц; . Вопросы?#facefitnesslife_интересное #facefitnesslife_упражнения1 . . . . . #facefitness #facefitnesslife #facebuilding #faceyoga #facefitnessnsk #face #естественнаякрасота #гимнастикадлялица #фитнеслица #красотанакончикепальцев #фейсфитнес #омоложениелица #гимнастикадлялица #осанка #ровнаяосанка #москва

Une publication partagée par Фейсфитнес Кинезиология (@facefitnesslife) le


Une publication partagée par FACEGYM (@face_gym) le

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