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Dubai Implements New COVID-19 Restrictions

COVID-19 seems to be going nowhere, despite millions of people all over the world being vaccinated against the virus, which was known to be fatal in its earlier stages. With the virus mutating, there have been several reported variants including the Delta, Omicron and Flurona strains, which are still spreading rapidly. With the increase of new cases in Dubai, the emirate’s health authority has implemented some new restrictions to help deter the spread of the virus.

If you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive, you must quarantine immediately for seven days, and 10 days minimum if you have caught the virus. The Dubai Health Authority has implemented some new rules that must not be ignored:

  • You do not have to take a PCR test as long as you do not have any symptoms.
  • If you do begin to have a cough, fever, runny nose or other symptoms, it is imperative that you take a PCR test. If you test positive, you must quarantine for 10 days, and 7 days if negative – especially if you have been in contact with a positive case.
  • Even if you have worn a mask and gloves around someone who tested positive, you must still self-isolate at home, or at a government facility if there are vulnerable family members at home.
  • Quarantining at home means that you cannot share a bathroom with other family members, access to a first aid kit and a thermometer, and ways of communication outside of your room without having to open the door.
  • If you have quarantined for 7 days, you must call the Dubai Health Authority to confirm that you are now out of quarantine.

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