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Sand Series: Farmers Hiking Across a Desert-Like River

What may look like a desert, is actually a river. The Jamina is one of the largest rivers in Bangladesh, flowing from the Himalaya through India to Bangladesh.

What causes it to look like a desert is the season; during winter, the water levels drop and the sand dunes from the riverbed appear on top to create a desert-like river.

The naturally-formed wonder then serves as a pathway for shepherds and farmers to cross on foot, as they guide their cattle to distant fields to eat.

They even dig trails across the sand dines using trucks, lorries, scooters and bikes to make the voyage easier on the animals

The crossing can only occur during November and February, because the water rises to its normal levels in the rest of the year.

Images are courtesy of Adbul Momin/REX/Shutterstock.

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