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Easy and Effective Ways to Enjoy Healthy Holiday Eating

Unfortunately, with celebration comes food and lots of opportunities to over-eat or reach out for the wrong foods, but these simple tips can help keep you in shape.

According to the American National Institutes of Health, holiday eating can result in an about an extra kilo every year, so over a lifetime, holiday weight gain can really add up. If you have been working hard at controlling your weight by eating healthily and working out, this may be a difficult time for you, and the last thing you want to do is sabotage all your hard work. 

The good news is the holidays don't have to mean weight gain if you stick to a healthy balance of food, activity and fun. With a few simple steps it is possible to keep in shape throughout the season. Basically, it’s all about appreciating the holidays, planning a time for activity and including healthy recipes without restricting yourself from enjoying your beloved holiday foods. Your mind and body will surely thank you when January rolls around.

Avoid Skipping Meals
During this very social and busy time, it’s quite understandable to miss a meal because you don’t have time or you think you’re doing yourself a favour by eating less. However, it’s important you eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner daily and snack on healthy foods. In fact, one of the biggest mistakes you can make before heading to a party is to skip a meal or arrive hungry, as you will be more likely to overeat at the event.  So at least before leaving for your night out, eat a light snack like raw vegetables, a low fat yogurt, fresh fruit, or a small bowl of whole-grain cereal with skimmed milk to curb your appetite. You will be less tempted to over-indulge in unhealthy foods due to extreme hunger. By eating a light, healthy snack before leaving your house, you can set yourself up to make better choices.

Advocate Healthy Holiday Food

When you are hosting the party, you have control over the ingredients that are added to those favourite holiday recipes, but as a guest, it is not that simple. However, just because you’re invited, it doesn’t mean you can’t offer to bring a healthy, low fat dish to add to the selection that’s on the table. Most hosts will welcome an extra platter, plus the other guests may enjoy having a healthier option to choose from. You don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen, consider an easy dish like roasted string beans, or if you prefer to bring dessert, a pumpkin pie without the crust or baked apples are perfect options. If you don’t have the time or inclination to cook at all, vegetable platters, fruit cocktails and mixed nuts are great to take along.

Remember Why You’re at the Party
The first thing you should try and do is remember what the celebration is about. Your mind should be focused on enjoying the time with your family and friends, not on the food. You can still enjoy your favourite holiday foods and sweets as long as you eat smaller portions to avoid weight gain. Fill the rest of your plate up with vegetables. Eat slowly and savour every bite while you are socialising and catching up with everyone. One great way to avoid snacking throughout the party is to plan fun activities to participate in with other guests, such as games or karaoke. They’re a great way to burn some calories and avoid the food sitting out on the counter or table, while bonding with the others.

Keep Moving

This time of the year should be about fun. However, you probably need to keep physically active at this time more than ever. As well as relieving holiday stress, physical activity gives you more energy to be at your best during the gatherings and helps prevent weight gain. If you like group activities, sign yourself up for festive fitness events that will keep you focused and motivated to stay active. Try fitting in a workout before the party because, more likely than not, you will be tired from all the celebrating afterwards. Even during the party, you can get in some exercise by going on a brisk walk with some of the other guests, or if there are children around, toss a ball outside. This can give you a burst of energy, as well as give you a chance to chat privately with someone. And of course, last but not least, if the party allows, put on those dancing shoes!

Balance it Out
If you overeat during one dinner (those sweets were just too tempting), focus on eating healthier and consuming fewer calories during your next meal. You can do this by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables to offset the amount of sugar and calories you consumed. Remember the holidays are for celebrating with family and friends, and you deserve a treat or two. If you splurge during one, two, or even three days during the holiday season, that’s not going to ruin all of your hard work. It takes 500 calories per day (or 3,500 calories per week) above your normal/maintenance consumption to gain half a kilo.

11Tips for Healthy Holiday Eating

  1. Be realistic. Don’t try to lose weight during the holidays, try to maintain your current weight instead.
  2. Stop eating when your stomach feels satisfied, not stuffed. Sometimes, you may be tempted to overeat when you linger by the food table at holiday parties, or if you become bored or restless at certain events.
  3. Serve yourself using plates or bowls so you can manage the amount you eat. Doing this will help you keep track of the amount of food you eat in one sitting, especially since eating finger foods can cause you to lose track.
  4. Scan the buffet before you start filling your plate. Find foods you truly treasure and skip the everyday dishes that are available all year long.
  5. Be careful with beverages, as some are full of calories and sugar. Try consuming water with a lemon or lime, skimmed milk or diet / sugar-free drinks.
  6. Take the focus off food. Turn candy and cookie making time into non-edible projects like arts and crafts.
  7. Eat smaller amounts of sugary and junk foods. For instance, eat one cookie instead of three, or cut a slice of cake or pie in half.
  8. Limit variety, which stimulates appetite. Put only a couple of items on your plate when you go to the food table. Return as many times as you like, but always choose the same foods.
  9. Substitute your favourite sweets or sugary snacks with low fat alternatives when possible. For example, consume real fruit instead of sugary fruit-flavoured snacks, or eat a small piece of dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate.
  10. Wear snug clothes. This will keep you preoccupied with holding in your stomach. Another trick is to keep one hand busy, by holding a drink for example, so it won't be so easy to grab food.
  11. Sustain your activity level or focus on exercising more during the holidays. Although it’s a busy time, you can still maintain your fitness by exercising at least 30 minutes daily. Something like walking an extra lap around the shopping mall does the trick.

Use Low Fat Alternatives For Your Favourite Holiday Dishes  

Gravy: Refrigerate the gravy to harden the fat, and then skim the fat off. This will save a whopping 56 grams of fat per cup.

Dressing: Use a little less bread and add more onions, garlic, celery and vegetables. You can also add fruits such as cranberries or apples. Moisten or flavour with low fat low sodium chicken or vegetable broth and applesauce.

Turkey: When you eat delicious, roasted turkey breast without the skin, you save 11 grams of saturated fat per three ounce serving.

Mashed Potato: Use skimmed milk, chicken broth, garlic or garlic powder and Parmesan cheese instead of whole milk and butter.

Desserts:  Make crust-less pies and substitute two egg whites for each whole egg in baked recipes. Additionally, you can replace heavy cream with evaporated skimmed milk in cheesecakes and cream pies. Another trick is to top cakes with fresh fruit, fruit sauce or a sprinkle of powdered sugar instead of fattening frosting.

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