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Nurturing Brilliance, Mawhiba Program Discovers Exceptionally Talented Individuals

According to a report from the state-run SPA news agency, a total of 186,915 exceptionally gifted students have been identified within Saudi Arabia's general education schools since the inception of the National Program for Gifted Identification in 2011. This achievement has been made possible through a collaborative effort involving the King Abdul Aziz and His Companions Foundation for Giftedness and Creativity, also known as Mawhiba, the Ministry of Education, and the Education and Training Evaluation Authority, represented by the National Center for Assessment. As part of this collaboration, around 518,000 students underwent Mawhiba tests to assess their cognitive abilities.

The primary objective of this program is to employ advanced scientific methods to construct an all-encompassing database including gifted individuals at every level of education in the country. The goal is to subsequently guide these gifted individuals towards suitable programs that align with their innate talents and proficiencies. Furthermore, the program aims to provide support by granting access to local and global resources through Mawhiba, working in conjunction with educational authorities and other institutions dedicated to nurturing gifted individuals. The assistance goes beyond regular schooling and encompasses university initiatives as well as scholarships for esteemed international educational establishments.

Fahad Al-Tamimi, who oversees Mawhiba's Recognition and Registration Department, emphasized that the identification program for exceptional mental capabilities serves as the gateway to discovering gifted individuals and facilitating their entry into Mawhiba's range of services and programs.

By the close of 2022, over 27,000 gifted students had been supported through the Mawhiba Classes initiative, while more than 47,000 had taken part in the Mawhiba Academic Enrichment program, spanning 34 diverse subjects across various scientific domains. Additionally, the Mawhiba Excellence Program facilitated the admission of more than 1,300 Mawhiba students into prominent international universities.

Learners pinpointed through the National Program for Gifted Identification have engaged in diverse global scientific opportunities, undergone instruction and guidance through Mawhiba initiatives, and have actively joined international and local contests, culminating in over 500 achievements. These endeavors have led to the receipt of 106 international accolades from the esteemed International Science and Engineering Fair competition, renowned as a premier global scientific contest for students.

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