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Doing These 6 Things Will Help Keep Your Hijabs Looking Like They’re Brand New

Stains don’t have to take their toll on your go-to favourites…

Well-dressed women will always command attention, and just as a fine looking hijab goes a long way in helping you appear graceful, a shabby looking one can easily dent your overall look. And with many of us spending a substantial amount of money for good quality hijabs, not to mention the time that goes into picking the perfect choice, it makes even more sense to always ensure we are taking good care of our headscarves. Enter the hijab beauty protector experts at MODBEAUTYKEEPER, who have shared the secrets to long-lasting hijabs.

As well as helping you look your best, the following tips and tricks on how to keep your hijabs for all seasons and occasions looking sparkling clean and brand new will undoubtedly save you some dry cleaning bills.

1. Don’t forget that under scarf

Wearing your hijab directly on top of your hair allows whatever hair products you have applied to easily transfer, rub or smear all over it. Plus, your hijab can cause damage to your hair if the material isn’t soft or light. An additioal reason to get hold of an under scarf is that it makes your hijab look a lot smoother on your head.

2. Invest in some translucent powder

While make-up amps up any look, there’s a big possibility of staining the underside of your scarf while applying it. One trick to try after applying all your make-up, including your setting spray, is to  dab some translucent powder around your hairline with a slightly damp beauty blender. Once you’ve done that, get hold of a clean brush and get any excess powder off your face. Then, simply wrap your scarf how you normally would, and when it’s time totake it off, the process  should be effortless.

3. Add MODBEAUTYKEEPER to your shopping list

When you put make-up on before your hijab, you run the risk of make-up staining the underside, and when you apply it after your hijab, the beauty products may make their way on to the top of your scarf. The secure, one size MODBEAUTYKEEPER is the beauty protector you need to ensure your make-up looks great and stays off your hijab. 

4. Keep your hijabs in a separate space
Keeping your headscarves in a clean and dry area is one of the best ways to keep them looking in tip-top shape. And give them some TLC by having a separate draw just for them. By folding them away from the rest of your clothes, you can rest assured zips or tags won’t get caught on them and pull away a loose thread.

5. Make room for some baby powder
From make-up to sun cream and lotions, there are so many oil-based products, which are a nightmare to remove. As soon as you notice an oily product has made it onto your hijab, rub some baby powder into the affected area. The powder absorbs the oil, helping lift most of the stain. After letting the baby powder sit for 30 minutes, remove the excess powder and gently handwash your scarf.

6. Remember this summertime hack 
Summertime means sweat stains will inevitably end up on your hijab. especially if you love those lighter colours during the more carefree months. When this happens, mix baking soda and dishwashing soap in a bowl, dip a toothbrush in the mix and carefully rub at the affected areas. Once all stains have been covered, sprinkle some baking soda over each stain. After 10 minutes, gently handwash your hijab and hang it to dry on a clothes dryer or carefully place it on a flat surface. Air drying is the best way to let your hijabs dry as it helps retain their shapes.  

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